I'm Strydr, a systems nerd, hacker, developer, and mathematician

Hello world, I'm Strydr and I currently live in Golden, CO. I'm a developer and student at Colorado School of Mines. I enjoy problem solving via programming and mathematics.

Devlog 0x7 - Generating Non-Capture Pawn Moves

Devlog 0x7. Today, I started the initial implementation of my generateMoves() function, which will eventually enumerate all possible moves in a chess position. My focus for this session was on the “quiet” (i.e., non-capturing) pawn moves for both White and Black pawns.

Devlog 0x6 - isSquareAttacked & Back To School

Devlog 0x6. Today, I implemented and tested the isSquareAttacked function, which determines whether a given square on the board is attacked by a specific side (white or black). This function is central to many chess-engine calculations—for instance, evaluating checks, pins, and tactical possibilities.


  1. Company
    CCD Excel! Zone
    Mathematics Tutor
  2. Company
    Movement Gyms
    Climbing Instructor
  3. Company
    Community College of Denver
    Student Ambassador
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