I'm Strydr, a systems nerd, hacker, developer, and mathematician
Hello world, I'm Strydr and I currently live in Golden, CO. I'm a developer and student at Colorado School of Mines. I enjoy problem solving via programming and mathematics.
Devlog 0x7. Today, I started the initial implementation of my generateMoves() function, which will eventually enumerate all possible moves in a chess position. My focus for this session was on the “quiet” (i.e., non-capturing) pawn moves for both White and Black pawns.
Devlog 0x6. Today, I implemented and tested the isSquareAttacked function, which determines whether a given square on the board is attacked by a specific side (white or black). This function is central to many chess-engine calculations—for instance, evaluating checks, pins, and tactical possibilities.
Devlog 0x5. There were discrepancies between the expect output when generating rook attack tables and the value generated. Here is the journey through debugging this issue.
Devlog 0x4. Today, I implemented a parseFEN function into Kirin. FEN, which stands for Forsyth-Edwards Notation, is the standard notation to describe positions of a chess game. Also, some debugging that I have yet to solve.